Sunday, May 8, 2011

We Don't Have Time

Hey guys,

I just wanna take a moment and be real with y'all for a moment and just share a peace of my heart. Today I went soul winning for the first time in a while, and became convicted that I haven't done it in a while. I didn't see anyone saved today, but we did help to point someone who's been searching in the right direction. But that's all God, nothing I can brag about and not the reason that I'm writing here today. Today also, I watched for like the fifth time the movie To Save a Life, and a combination of soul winning and that movie clicked something in my mind today. I fear, that one of the greatest misconceptions of Christians is that time is a luxury. I mean, if we were to be honest, it takes a special kind of person to have an urgency for the Lord's work. We treat time as a commodity like, I'll do this for God later, or I'll get back on my horse when the Spirit pulls me again. But I'm here to tell you that our time on earth is a vapor, it comes than it goes. Time isn't our friend, but it is our enemy. We live in a lost and dieing world out there full hurt that's searching for answers. And I'm telling you that if you're a Christian, you know the cure. But sometimes, I think there's just not enough people who care. We can help them. We can be there for people. I think right now the message the world needs is that someone cares, and that everything's going to be alright. We as Christians I think sometimes, we need to be in panic mode. I mean friends, life comes and it goes with a snap of the fingers. Some of you know that all to well. But I must ask, what are we doing to make a difference. Yeah, we'll go to Sunday School, Church, Youth Group and other "Christian" events, but sometimes I feel as if we go to those things hoping to grow, but we over indulge in them. What I mean by that is that we go to these things and get all of this Spiritual food and we keep it for ourselves and don't do anything with it. I'll tell you what though, if you wanna grow in your walk with God, go out and do the Lord's work, take on His lot. Nothing, no Sunday School, Church or anything will grow you in your walk like jumping into the deep end of the Lord's work without knowing how to swim. And the best part about it is, God loves working with those who don't know how to swim, but those who have a heart that says, "Here I am Lord, use me as you please" I'm telling you, if you can do this, it will blow your mind the ride that God takes you on. But I'm telling you, that we as Christians cannot afford to be lazy and take our time growing in Bible Studies. Now, I'm not saying at all that these things are bad, they're great things and I encourage everyone to be involved in them, but I'm here to tell you we live in a lost and dieing world, and that we don't have time to take our time growing in God, we need to just volunteer for on the job training with the Lord's work. People our hurting, suffering, and many are on their way to hell and many of us are just sitting on the sidelines. We're needed. The lost need our tears. And I feel super guilty writing this, because I feel as if I've been stagnate in my duties in performing the Lord's work. We just don't have time to be a luke warm people right now, we don't have times for games, the world needs us, and we can't turn our back on them and continue to call ourselves Christians.

One of the biggest burdens on my heart over the last year has been the youth at my old church. I know that many of them know little about God. I know that a lot of them don't have that personal relationship with God and they don't know what it means to walk with them. I'm o so very burdened for them. I just wish there was a practical way I can be a light to them and show them that there's more to life than today's problems, and show them that Jesus is coming quickly, and it's my grandest desire to be able to teach them how to like Christ, and share what I've learned so far. But it just doesn't stop there, I mean in every church I've found that there are some to many who just don't get it, and it is my biggest prayer that God would use me to be a light to these people, to show them the path that Jesus walked in. Again, we just don't have time to be walking in other paths. We just don't have it. I mean, I refuse to call myself a Christian if I'm going to sit idlely by and watch the world fall without doing my part to do something. People, do something, anything for the cause of Christ, don't waste another day. Pray to God that He shows you how you can be a light, and I'm telling you, just jump into action and let the Lord lead you from there. We need to double time our growth in Christ, because people need us, and we can't afford to take our time.

We don't have time to be worldly, because we need to make time for the world.

1 comment:

  1. I think everyone can get something good out of this message if they apply it to their lives. We as American Christians don't live a true radical faith in Christ and relentless pursuit to drop everything and follow Christ. If we did this land would see revival.
